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What to do if your employees refuse to come back to work

What to do if your employees refuse to come back to work

The below is from the Maine Department of Labor regarding what to do if employees refuse to come back to work:

These have certainly been challenging times for our state and nation. As Governor Mills begins to reopen the state and businesses resume operations at some level, below is some useful guidance regarding the call back of employees businesses should be aware of. 
  1. Employees cannot lie on their claims…so they will need to refuse the work; which, yes can cause an issue and delay in their unemployment benefits.  Should they opt not to return when contacted, they will need to put the reason they’ve refused work when completing their weekly unemployment certification.
  2. Should a business call back any of their employees and they refuse to return, the business needs to report this refusal of work to the Maine Department of Labor.  The following guidance can aid area business needing to report this situation:
    1. Important notice for employers about refusals to return to work by employee(s): If you are an employer and need to report a refusal to come back to work by one of your employee(s), please complete our new electronic form which may be found at: Please complete the form and provide as much information as you can so we can follow up as needed. MDOL will analyze the circumstances on a case-by-case basis to see if there is good cause for refusing the work or not.
    2. Commonly asked questions about refusal of return to work can be found here on the MDOL website.
    3. The Governor and DECD issued the reopening guidelines for businesses and there is a lot of information on the DECD website. For specific questions, Business Answers staff are taking calls and emails.  
Contact Business Answers at the Maine Department of Economic & Community Development with your COVID-19 business-related questions and for information on resources.
HOURS: weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. EST
1-800-872-3838 in Maine 
1-800-541-5872 from outside of Maine
You can also e-mail us with your business questions at Please note that we can’t provide help with unemployment claims. For questions on unemployment, please click here.

As businesses ramp up their operations and need workforce recruitment assistance, they may use the contact below for assistance.  While still serving as the Androscoggin, Franklin and Oxford County Veterans’ Representative, Leo J. Deon has been assisting other Bureaus in the Maine Department of Labor during the current health pandemic.  
Leo J. Deon Jr. (CWO, U.S. Coast Guard-Ret)
Veterans’ Employment Representative
CareerCenter Hiring Event Coordinator
Franklin County MMCN Chair
Lewiston CareerCenter 
5 Mollison Way
Lewiston, ME 04240

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