Learn about the birds that will soon be flooding into our region from as far away as South America. Who are they? Why do they come here? What challenges do they face and how can we protect the habitat they need to raise their young? James Reddoch, Maine Master Naturalist and bird enthusiast, will lead this webinar.
Wednesday Apr 9, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Wednesday, April 9, 6:00 PM
Remote only webinar. To register visit https://www.mahoosuc.org/events-calendar
The webinar is free. Donations appreciated. https://secure.qgiv.com/for/mahoosuc
Printed courtesy of www.bethelmaine.com/ – Contact the Bethel Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
8 Station Place, Bethel, ME 04217 – (207) 824-2282 – connect@bethelmaine.com