Mahoosuc Guide Service

Guide Services, OutfittersCanoe, Kayak TripsDogsleddingEvent/Conference RoomsFishing TripsRecreation CentersSleigh RidesWedding & Event VenuesWildlife Viewing
7 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily
Driving Directions:
7 miles north on Route 26 from the junction of Route 2 & 26 in the Grafton Notch area. We are on the right side of the road, look for our triangular sign.
About Us
Mahoosuc is one of the most respected and experienced recreational guide services in New England. We are one of the only guide services that make our living as year round, full time, professional wilderness guides. We offer a variety of dog sledding and canoeing vacation options – most with no prior experience necessary. We are beginning our 31st consecutive year offering dog sledding and canoe trips in New England and Canada. We started mushing in the late 70's and have years of experience from Alaska and the Yukon to the Eastern Canadian Arctic before we started Mahoosuc. We’ve canoed wild rivers all over North America, from the Grand Canyon to the sub-arctic.
We also offer cultural canoeing and dogsledding trips with Penobscot of Maine, Cree and Inuit in northern Quebec. These are unique, authentic experiences.
• Owners Kevin and Polly are both Master Maine Guides, the highest level recognized by the State of Maine with 31 and 41 years experience.
• We have been in business since 1990.
• We are full time professionals. Guiding is all we do – it is not a part-time hobby.
• All of our trips are owner-guided. One of us (Kevin or Polly) is on each of our trips.
• We are one of the few kennels where every dog was personally raised by us from puppy hood. They are all well trained, and we have been working with these bloodlines since 1979.
• We take extremely good care of our dogs. They get a summer vacation, full vet care, pastures to play in during the off season and retirement to our house.
• We make our own wooden dogsleds, canoes, paddles & setting poles.
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