Business News & Resource Blog
DECD Launches Pledge to Protect ME- Online Version of Certificate of Compliance
The Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) has launched the Pledge to Protect ME, a digital version of the Certificate of Compliance currently required for guests staying at Maine lodging properties.
Jessie Perkins
Survey: Helping hospitality businesses adapt to colder weather
A team of area chambers of commerce and convention and visitors bureaus and state industry trade associations are working together with DECD to make sure your voice is included as the Administration explores actions to support hospitality businesses.
Jessie Perkins
Weekly updates from DECD Commissioner Heather Johnson
Heather Johnson, Commissioner of the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, offers weekly updates on Wednesdays from 2:30-3:00 pm. With regulations evolving constantly, this is a great opportunity to listen in on what's coming up and a chance to ask your own questions. Free but must register ahead of time.
Jessie Perkins