Business News & Resource Blog
Training opps from CMCC Center for Workforce and Professional Development
We wanted to share with you an update on our NO COST TRAINING PROGRAMS funded by the Maine Quality Centers in the hopes that you may find interest in some of the newer programs that we've added to our list!
Jessie Perkins
Restaurant Training from Hospitality Maine and EMCC
Hospitality Maine and EMCC have partnered to offer great training for restaurants to get up to speed on state checklists to open safely.
Jessie Perkins
June 10 Free webinar with MaineBiz: What does "open" look like? Part One: Preparation and Accountability
What do employers need to have in place prior to bringing back employees? Screening and monitoring rules Where to go for the information Workplace safety What do you need/what are the costs Are employees ready to go back Workplace liability Family First COVID Sick Act What do businesses need to invite customers into their place of business? Customer safety rules Your liability Where to go for questions
Jessie Perkins